If there was EVER a time when we are experiencing our ONENESS it is now in these times. When we read about Ed McMahon, Johnny Carson's beloved sidekick, possibly losing his home and not being able to pay his bills, it gives us all pause. It puts the 'rich' and poor’ on the same playing field. There is no ‘US’ and ‘THEM’ anymore— only all of US. What doesn’t work for ‘us’ isn’t working for ‘them’ either.
I have been calling this a time of '
the great shattering'- as I am feeling it in my own life — both inside and outside. Old structures - old money structures - are being shattered, the old symbols of 'security' are breaking down, and we are being invited to let go of any attachment to ‘what was’ or suffer the wrenching pain of trying to ‘hold on’. Let go, let go, let go, surrender the old — seems to be the theme. Interestingly, rather than contracting – though this may be the initial impulse – this time is causing us all to expand — to be really who we are here to be and to work with each other rather than against each other to achieve our mutual dreams.
We are being urged into our true sizeable selves, into our greatness. This is not arrogance. It is truth - it is the long-awaited true homecoming to our Divine selves. In fact, as the Course in Miracles teaches, it is arrogance to believe yourself less than you truly are. We are MORE than we truly believe we are. More. And all those hunches, all those inner directions we've been getting to go and do and give and be - about a purpose larger than ourself - are real. This is not about control and competition and being better than -- that is the old paradigm in the process of being shattered. It is about cooperation and collaboration, partnership with the Divine ( a purpose larger than yourself)It is about being YOU with other people who are being their greatest selves too. We are all shedding habits, patterns, belief systems that caused us to feel small and unworthy. We are all
molting our skins of fear, lack and limitation. Taking off the heavy coat of lack and limitation that kept us in a box that was small and getting smaller by the day.
So many of us, in one way or another, have been living small. And the old world structures held the old
lies in place — of us and them, of rich and poor, of some are worthy, others are not.
Barack Obama’s current message to the populace is indicative of this: “Declare your independence from a broken system.” His message relates to his campaign's decision to forego public financing in the race for the election. But somehow I think his message has deeper meaning for us all. We are being broken apart from our illusion of separation and lack (from systems that created and fed lack, greed, and limitation)...broken apart to come together into our true state of Oneness and Abundance – with each other, the world, the cosmos, Divinity.
As Jacqueline Angel has written, "If the money system collapsed, your unity with God, humanity, nature and your own self, would provide all the abundance you need!"
THAT is the truth. And the more we connect with each other, the more we support and love each other, the more we thank God, Nature, all that is, the richer we will feel, the more co-creation will take place, the more abundant and at peace we will be.
I wish you gentle, loving liberation from the old. May all your heart's true desires for fulfillment and peace be realized in a new way in this new time. You are loved and you are blessed.