Circumstances in the world and in our lives are calling to us: EVOLVE. We are being urged forward, propelled by an evolutionary impulse that will not be silenced.
As I contemplated the word ‘
evolve’, I noticed that hidden in the first four letters of this word, is the word
love spelled backwards. Love, of course! What else but LOVE could do this
fierce work. We are in evolutionary times-- and it's not for sissies! There are growing pains in this journey! It is not easy. It is scary. But it is necessary and like a cosmic bulldozer parked on your lawn, the engines are revving. What in you is being called to grow? To change? To release and let go and surrender? What quality of being are you being called to develop, to strengthen? What in you is being called to awaken? Are you holding on kicking and screaming? Or might you be willing to trust that what is being let go is opening you to so much more? God knows, I am going through this now. It is difficult - and I am receiving glimmers of deep hope, expectancy, beauty, love and joy and a delightful sense that adventure awaits!
The Heart is the driving force of this evolutionary call – both on the personal and collective fronts. The mind likes to think of itself as King, but as I learned years ago from Howard Wills (, the heart is King. It is how things
feel that matters most. If something feels good, it is good. If it doesn’t, it isn’t for you. What is falling away or being taken away or changing so rapidly we can barely keep up is the call of something deep and powerful within us. The heart is being called to present itself at this gate of change. It is as though we get a split second to decide whether something stays or whether it goes. The heart is making that call in its irresistibly simple, pure as a crystal bell kind of way. It descends like a gentle breeze of sunlight over our senses. It settles in like a knowing that has always been there. It feels right or it doesn’t. You can almost hear your soul
sigh. And have you noticed, there is no one really to consult about it? The counsel of your own heart is King.
It is perfect that this should be happening in 2009 because, in numerology, 2009 is an ‘11’ year (2+0+0+9 =11). ‘11’ is a number of high vibrational frequency and a MASTER number. It is a number that speaks to Love, building community, and service and to experiences of magic, power and transformation. (I invite you to read a beautiful article at: for more on this.)
The other day as I was sitting talking to a friend, these words came to me: 'say Yes to what God brings you '. Even if it looks like loss, or impossible change, embrace it. I am learning this. I have had my heart cracked open - wide open - and while it has been painful, terribly painful, I am slowly, slowly receiving the gift. The gift of being in my heart like never before. It feels like a benediction from on high, a blessing, a flowering, a blossoming.
If you are here -- like me -- in a place of letting go, know the Divine is calling you to grow, calling you to make way for something even more beautiful. Love, appreciate, be grateful for all as it is and what comes to you will vibrate at this highest of frequencies.
The Divine always surprises and loves us more than we can possibly know! Our work is to open open open our hearts, as Howard Wills teaches and allow and receive, to have faith and trust.... and....
Expect to be delighted!I wish you blessings on your journey in 2009!
Love Love Love