I have been stymied the last year or more on marketing. Assailed by one marketing program or another, I have run myself ragged in circles of discontent trying to figure out what feels right for me. And none of it has felt right. I have 'tried' to do what others do or what others recommend, but none of it, none of it has felt right to me. All that to-ing and fro-ing kept me up nights, worrying, judging myself.
Then, I talked to a mentor of mine and I hashed it out with God.
And then suddenly, one day, it dawned on me:
GOD is my marketing guru! and GRACE is my affiliate program!!
Ever since that dawned on me, I have been breathing a sigh of relief! Ah, freedom!
And I have renewed energy and desire for my work. I am back in alignment with why I started doing this in the first place.
My desire to serve, my love for life, my love for giving, sharing, and supporting people, myself, and of course, ~~ GOD.