Sunday, March 9, 2008

3,889 emails prayers for release were answered!

Yesterday morning, I opened my computer to find 3, 889 emails pouring into my inbox. 3, 889 -- all of them repeat emails from Sept 2007 to the present. As the last of the 3, 889 poured in, I stared in disbelief, feeling a dizzying wave of energy sweep over me as the names and subjects of the past emerged one after the other in front of me.

I had been praying to God for a few days now to show me why things felt 'stuck' in my life and what I needed to release...and holy moly...I got my answer! 3, 889 energetic reasons to choose from! I had put the word out but I didn't think my computer had heard me!

This morning I called my friend Tamira to tell her that I managed to erase 400 some emails and was down to 3, 446! She laughed. I told her I felt like Jim Carrey in 'Bruce Almighty', deleting the hundreds of thousands of prayer requests he had received in his role as 'God'. I could hear Carrey's voice in my head as he hammered the delete key: 'Boy, what a bunch of whiners!' After we'd stopped laughing, I realized what a miracle of release this all was and what an opportunity.

As I looked at the sea of emails, I noticed the feelings in my body as my eyes fell on each one. Some felt benign, some complete, others felt like I needed to take a second look. Was there unfinished business? Unspoken communication? Something in need of clearing? Something I was avoiding, ignoring or overlooking? You bet. And I was getting a second chance to look at it all and deal with it!

There was truth and Light hidden in this avalanche of emails. Truth that I had not entirely embraced before. In a few cases, I felt inspired to pick up the phone or send an email. With the others, I am still mulling, reflecting, meditating. Already, I can feel the energy in my life moving - actually whooshing along. I now have the clarity I didn't have a few days ago - and the joy and peace that was eluding me. Wow. Wow. Wow. Amazing how the universe shows up to support us, isn't it? When we ask for release....we actually receive! Yes!

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