Tuesday, March 4, 2008


The license plate on the silver Porsche ahead of me on the PCH this morning gave me the perfect sign: ELEV8TE. I'd been asking for a sign and this is the sign I got: Elev8te. '8' is a number of manifestation and elevate, well, elevate means 'elevate your consciousness'. What else could it mean?

Moments later, a friend called and I unintentionally brushed off her desire to promote my work and expand my abundance. I was distracted and had to focus on the road I told her. Well, sure enough....right after I put down the phone, I came to a screeching halt behind a truck carrying a load of bricks. The sign on the truck said: 'Resource: Call: 1-800-BRICK'.

I cracked up. My friend's last name is BRICK.

I called her back and we had a good laugh about manifestation and elevating consciousness and all things that go with that. In putting down the phone, I realized one more thing: Resource! Of course, if you are seeking to manifest, go to the source, source the highest resource! Look to God, the Divine, Infinite Light and Love, Higher Self, Higher Power...call it what you will....go to the SOURCE! Ask for the highest unfoldment, for the highest good of all...and then watch the signs that come your way....and they will, oh, yes, they will.

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