Wednesday, April 2, 2008


The ancients knew it and spoke it often: Money in circulation is God in Action. We experience what we share and give. We cannot experience our true wealth except in the circulation of it in our lives. Money must be experienced to be known. Like love, it cannot be hoarded. What good is love that is hoarded, or held back? What does it give us but an experience of our own lack? Money like love must be shared to be felt, to be known. To feel your wealth, to feel rich, you must share it, give it, circulate it. As The Course in Miracles says, 'To have all, give all to all.'

We have become detached from the true purpose, character, and nature of money -- from where it comes from and what it's for. We have been seduced by the frantic rant of fear around 'getting money' and ' not having enough'. Money is not the green ink and paper in your wallet. Money is energy, a medium of exchange, a symbol of gratitude for who you are and what you give to the world. The more you share YOU, and learn to translate your talents and gifts into services and products and opportunities, the more you prosper. The more excited you get about YOU, about what you have to offer and what you have to give, the more you prosper.

The regularity, frequency, and quantity of the money and resources that flow into your life depends upon the quality of relationship you have with yourself and other people, and the Divine. It depends on your ability to participate fully with who you are and with who others are. If you trust yourself, you can trust others. And if you trust yourself and others, life can be a heaven on earth - and a prosperous one where people want what you have to give and you want what they have to give and everyone experiences joy, abundance and pleasure. If you don't trust yourself or others, it will be a mean, quarrelsome, miserable existence whether you happen to have money or not. As Albert Einstein said,"The most important decision you will ever make is whether the universe is friendly or not." He might as well have been saying, 'Your enjoyment of life, your relationships, and your ability to feel richly in the flow of life depends upon it."

Notice how you feel when you think of money as a circulation of Light and Love. Notice how your ideas about money soften and expand. Notice how you welcome opportunities to give, to participate, to share -- to experience the deep eternal truth that to have what you seek, you must first give it. And how in the giving, is truly the receiving. Don't be surprised as you practice these new thoughts and actions, how more love, ease, grace, and money pour into your life as a result, blessing your life in miraculous ways. Yes! Yes! Yes!

I welcome your thoughts about this blog posting.....the conversation on money continues...

Infinite love appreciation and gratitude to all of you!

@ 2008 christianeschull

1 comment:

nejah said...

Hi Christine

I was on the Ocean of Gratitude cruise with you this past February. I jus was having a semi-heated conversation with my husband about money. And o and behold here is your e-mail. Thank you for reminding me of my infinite abundance. My ego likes to make up these dramatic stories and outcomes from not having enough money. But as Rev. Michael says, "worry is like pay interest on money you haven't borrowed on yet". In reality I hae always been supported and taken care of and still have plenty to give and share with others. Thanks once again for that timely reminder.

Peace & Blessings