Monday, April 7, 2008

"Tithe and Thrive," says Catherine Ponder

At my first Sunday 'Sacred Sharing' gathering in Santa Monica yesterday morning, someone spoke these beautiful words, attributed to Catherine Ponder: 'Tithe and Thrive'.

It occurred to me this morning as I ran along the Ocean avenue path with the rest of my bootcamp group, that any delay in tithing creates a feeling of lack. And a feeling of lack is a magnet for the energy of fear and contraction. And I realized that I had picked up from somewhere in the universe last night a blanket of fear. It had attached itself to me and I was shaking myself loose from it through the application of prayer. I was utilizing one of my favorite prayers by Howard Wills: "Lord, please lift out any negative energies I have absorbed from sources known and unknown and return them lovingly to their source." I had picked up this energy of fear from somewhere because I had not yet tithed. I had received income and gifts of money last week but I had not yet tithed. I had not tithed because I was succumbing to an old habit of delay, fear, resistance to trusting the flow of abundance in my life. And my fear and resistance had attracted fear from the universe -- and it didn't matter from where.

As I sprinted through the exercises in my bootcamp, I saw the connection between my actions and my results on the etheric and physical plane. Tithing (giving 10% or more of income to a source that has inspired or supported you) is a physical human action we take that speaks to our faith and gratitude in our abundance, that keeps us everlastingly connected to the flow of abundance in the universe.

When you tithe here(wherever 'here' is to you) , the universe opens a portal over there and abundance of all kinds rush to you. When you tithe, you notice your life simply flows better. Tithing brings The Certainty of Grace and Ease. In turn, when we create delay in our giving, we attract energies that create loss, contraction, constraint, breakdown of some kind in our lives. When we give in to old resistance, old habits of fear that keep us from tithing with joy and speed and generosity, we keep ourselves in a cycle of hold backs and fear and lack, difficulty, frustration and loss.

Like this morning before my bootcamp, I went to make my morning juice. And my reliable Champion Juicer would not turn over. This was the second piece of equipment that had died. The first was my coffee grinder -- last week on the day I thought about tithing but had not done so. I was beginning to see the connection. It had died because I had not tithed -- I had not shared the Light with the Light. Money is Light, remember that. When you contract out of fear and do not circulate your money-Light with joy, the universe corrects you by matching your energy with a loss.' Ahhhhh.....I see now.

Just like you, I am learning. There is always more to learn. I am sitting down now to make out my tithes. It is an act of such liberation and joy. The moment you decide and then follow through and do it, there is immediate joy, immediate LIGHT.

I invite you to begin this week by tithing 10% or more to someone or organization or church or ministry that has brought you joy, inspiration, support or love. Tithe regularly when you receive your paycheck, income of any kind, gifts of money, happy windfalls of unexpected cash. Make tithing a regular habit - like brushing your teeth in the morning. Tithe 10% even if it is only $1 dollar. When you have more, give more. Your gesture is huge even if the sum is small.

My new mantra, my new anthem is: "Tithe, baby, share, baby, give, baby, now!"

Practice tithing and if you would, share with me how your life transforms.


@copyright, Christiane Schull

1 comment:

Komáromi Miklós said...


Have you heard about Randy Gage?
I've just began to Tithe ... today :)

I am very curious.

How many years have you been studying prosperity principals? :)
