I think of Mercury Retrograde as a time of fresh linens and clean drawers. That's how it feels once a Mercury Retrograde cycle is complete -- in this case, by June 19th. When you're starting a Mercury Retrograde phase (May 26th), and don't have much experience with this phase, it can feel like the world has stopped or slowed down and nothing is working.
In fact......it is a perfect time for a necessary and important aspect of our journey -- reflection, review, revision, re-evaluation, release...a time to consciously and intentionally channel this energy in service to your highest good. Sometimes it looks and feels like a time of cycling back through our past - sometimes we dread it. If we channel this energy appropriately, it can be a time of great truth and productivity. Yes, we get to re-look at things again - but nothing is every the same and so many changes have occurred in us, so much growth. We can see in the re-looking - how we have changed and grown and if, if, if, there are still things, thoughts, people, clothing, projects to let go of, or change up, or enhance, or embrace, or, or, or. This is not the time to start new things or sign contracts or initiate travel plans -- but to review and revise our plans, to re-energize our existing goals, to re-align ourselves to what is true and beneficial in our lives, to re-acquaint ourselves with ourselves, to reconsider, reconnect, and release what is no longer right for us. It is a time of completion -- completing of old projects instead of starting new ones, clearing out physical and emotional closets, making room, space, for the new to show up. Completion is powerful because it allows for the freeing up of old energy -- and a Mercury Retrograde period (which happens generally 3 times a year) is an exquisite time to do just that.
Ask yourself these questions: What could benefit you right now by letting it go? Maybe it is just your harsh judgment of yourself and your life. Or maybe it is an old piece of clothing that would be better served at Salvation Army than in your closet. What is the universe inviting you to reconsider? What could benefit from review? Where could completion free up energy? What would open up for you if you finished that unfinished business? Or made that long awaited phone call or wrote that letter?
I find myself this morning overcome by emotion -- old emotion that is up for release. I found a journal entry about my father's death, May 19th, 1980. I have not cried about this in so long -- yet here I am, another damn breaking. I guess I needed it. Tears are like heaven, you know. Tears wash away what blocks us from receiving joy. I always welcome tears, and encourage people to cry. As a child I used to think that angels flew out of our eyes when we cried. I believed our tears actually gave them wings - permission to appear.
I realize, of course, that these times are not just for the review and release of 'things' but of emotions, habits, patterns of thought, word, action that are no longer part of our higher path. As I wrote in an earlier blog a few months ago, "as each of us goes to the next level of our success in the world, we are invited to activate even greater trust and letting go, greater gratitude, greater fearlessness, and actions that demonstrate our willingness and commitment to our true path. Almost always the next level demands the clearing out of the old, old patterns, old relationships, old outmoded habits, old ways of being and often the experience of living in the void between creations. The old is barely gone and the new has yet to show up. We are living a little betwixt and between forced to dig more deeply into reserves of trust and faith."
As Paramahansa Yogananda wrote " When you can stand unbroken amidst the crash of breaking worlds, you have found God."
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