Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I spoke with my friend, Doriane, this morning and she spoke the perfect words to me:

Are you opening or closing?

These are words from Pema Chodron's book, 'Comfortable with Uncertainty' -- and the question could not be more perfect for these times.

If circumstances in your life are causing you to close or shut down or retreat, be willing to entertain a different way. Be willing to respond with curiosity instead of anxiety, with a sense of adventure rather than a retreat into status quo.

The journey now, in my own life, is to stay open, excited, delighted, willing, creative - to move towards what feels expansive and joyful not contracted and fearful. I am reminded of something one of my first teachers used to say, 'Oh Goodie, something gets to change!'

Blessings of Love Appreciation and Gratitude!

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