Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Cosmic Ahhhhh of Creation

In a CD called 'Meditations on Manifesting', Dr Wayne Dyer shares how in the Hindu tradition of Siddhi consciousness the sound of 'AH' is the sound of creation. It is the sound found in the names of many mystical deities and traditions - Allah, Buddha, Krishna, Ra, Kali, Shiva (Kaballah, Merkaba, I might add) and of course, God. Ahhh is the sound of joy, the sound of the heart gloriously pleased. Dyer teaches that there is a channel of energy in the body between your root chakra and your third eye and recommends doing a morning meditation in which you breathe and speak the sound 'Ah' from your root chakra up through your third eye you visualize your heart's desires in motion, by the power of intention, towards you. I was guided to resume this practice about a week ago and as I began doing it again, I felt a profound peace.

A few days later at the end of my yoga class as we sat in meditative silence, a word floated up from the stillness inside me to the surface of my consciousness: Obama.

I spoke Obama's name silently, once, twice. On the third time, something guided me to emphasize the deep 'a' of the last vowel. Obamahhhhhh....

As I did so, I felt this gorgeous peace settle over me, this feeling of utter calm and complete certainty, serenity, abundance and joyful unity with the moment.

I left class feeling elated, exhilarated, expectant. As I got to the parking lot, next to my car was a van painted with a wild swirl of happy colors and the words:

Ahhhhh....I smiled with complete delight. Thank you. Thank you. It was as though God had given me a playful reminder, an affirmation of the truth -- that when we slow down, relax, allow that possibly, just possibly, all is well, no matter how things look, choose peace, focus on what we can be grateful for, and launch our heart's desires into the cosmos through intention and the cosmic 'ahhhhh' of creation, the return is immediate and unequivocal. Life is good. Life is good. Life is good.


@copyright Christiane Schull 2008

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