Have you ever felt more challenged (aka 'inspired') to step UP and become what you are here to become?
Have you ever believed more passionately in what you do?
Are these times not a gift of GRAND proportions?
Is this so-called 'lack' of financial resources (if this is your challenge) not calling on you to access the great bounty in you, that is YOU? Is this so called 'lack' not calling on you to become CREATIVE with who you are and what you've got?
Think of it this way: The old ways are leaving us - they seem to be dissolving all around us. Have you noticed? Inside and outside of us -- the old ways no longer work. They don't have the same sheen or shine to them and they don't offer what they once did. We can no longer rely upon what we used to rely upon. We must forge new paths, call upon ourselves in new and higher ways. We are all being ramped up...to take on...our own God-Calling. We are being invited to manifest the Glory of God - of the Divine - that is within us. It is within all of us....but how and what we manifest...well, that is up to us. Each one of us is here to express something different, to give and share our unique gifts with the world. It is time.
Whatever you are going through has a perfection to it and it is calling you to grow beyond the old, to step into your power and contribute at a higher level than ever before.
What you have the world needs. And what your friends have, the world needs. Write that script. Write that book. Patent that invention. Design that house. Contribute to that charity. Expand that business. Start that business. Give more, share more. Say Yes to Love. Open your heart. Forgive the past. Forgive yourself. Ask for more. Ask big. Help someone out. Make a break for the blue yonder. Make a difference. Volunteer for Meals-on-Wheels. Start a food-bank at your church.
Whatever it is, do it. Do it. Do it with love, appreciation and gratitude. When God calls, take action. God speed & God Bless.
Love love love
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