Take a breath. Breathe in and breathe out.
Then speak these words silently to yourself:
"I am worthy of asking and receiving what I love with ease and joy."
Breathe this in and breathe out. Breathe in and breathe out. Breathe in and breathe out. Three times is a good start.
Notice how these words feel in your body. Do they settle easily on your heart and in your mind? Do they feel good? Or is there some sort of tension or discomfort?Notice where you feel an energy of discomfort or tension. Is it in your head? Is it in your throat? Is it in your solar plexus? Is it in your legs?
Breathe into that tension and thru it gently. Breathe in and breathe out.
Accept where you are and how things feel to you in the moment. Breathe.
"I love and accept myself completely, exactly as I am."....or my favorite..."I am willing to be willing to love and accept myself completely exactly as I am." Sometimes we need a little willingness...a little willingness goes a long way.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Make breathing a regular practice.
We can all use more breath....and connection to the safety and love and joy and freedom and abundance of our own breath.
Thanks again to Marilyn Westlake, my Toronto photographer friend for these lovely pics.
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