There is no getting around it. Life is Light and Darkness. It is our acceptance of both that makes for a rich life. Without sorrow, we would never really know joy. Without struggle, we would not really appreciate success. We require adversity to be our best.
As the world shifts into higher levels of consciousness, the old places of darkness in us are being called up to the Light. If we don't know this - even if we do know this - it is easy to succumb. To get caught up in anger and fear -- to fall into the pit of blame and defeat.
The way out is to see it for what it is -- fear. And to begin to change our perspective about it. Rather than seeing it as terrible, seeing it as the treasure house of our 'gold'. Rather than feeling like failures, we could be asking ourselves 'what's good about this?' It is in this and through this that we cultivate the best in ourselves. If we are willing and can find the strength to face our 'darkness', we will become greater people, more compassionate people, deeper people, people with more to offer the world. If we run from our darkness, or medicate it , or pretend 'everything is fine', we will feed the lie - the lie that tells us we are no good, unworthy, failures. When our sh@*&&^%%#! shows up, it is a request for growth and healing. Always. It is a request for us to allow more LIGHT to shine through.
It is the ego that wants us to remain stuck. As the Course in Miracles says, the ego 'seeks but never finds'. The ego wants you to give up. Your Higher Self, your God Self, your Divine Self knows the truth of who you are and urges you to keep going. Sometimes it means 'letting go', dropping your pictures of how you see things, and letting what is, be. Sometimes it means taking action, when you haven't taken action.
If you find yourself in "The Valley of Fucking Awful", call upon support from the outside world. Get yourself into some breathwork or energy healing --- and not just yoga. Call a rebirther or breathpractitioner who can support you to feel your feelings of sadness, anger, fear then transform the thought that generated those feelings. You always want to feel your feelings but change your thoughts...breathe out the fear and sadness and breathe in love and joy and self-love. You always want to hold the highest thoughts -- the highest thoughts generate the highest vibratory feelings in the body, mind and heart. The highest thoughts attract the highest experiences.
As The Course in Miracles says, "The truth about you is so lofty that nothing unworthy of God is worthy of you." Our feelings of darkness, of unworthiness ....are our souls tool for calling us to more Light, to the truth of our beings, to our purpose on this earth. Listen closely: You are here to manifest the Glory of God that is within you. Trust that wherever you are right now is the perfect Divine place. You are being called to so much more! Reach out for support from a therapist, mentor, rebirther/breathwork practitioner, energy healer of any kind. You deserve to live in the truth, to radiate Divine Life Force Energy, to be who you are, and have what you love.
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