Friday, April 11, 2008

"I've Been To The Valley...."

Several years ago, after one long 24 hour period in my own personal amusement park of fear and self-judgment, I prayed to God and the Universe for release and a way of overcoming it. I was preparing to lead my regular Prosperity Circle that evening and I wondered seriously 'how I was going to get it together' to do it. I knew I would....and as I left my apartment, I heard a sprightly, playful, impish, leprechaun-like voice whisper " You've been in The Valley of Fucking Awful!" I cracked up. It was so precisely true....and so hysterically funny that it shattered the darkness, dissolved the gummy veils of old energy in which I had been consumed.

It has become one of my favorite phrases because it so perfectly describes how it FEELS to be in this awful depressed place inside our souls. I believe we all have our own version of it. And to call it by name IS liberating.

I wrote about it in my book, 'What You Speak Is Seeking You':

"I've been to The Valley of Fucking Awful. In fact, just last week, I went there for about 24 hours. I don't know what thought bought me a ticket back there. I can tell you it was fucking awful. You know the place. I'm sure you've been there. It's filled with old ways, old fears, pictures of the way things 'could have been' or 'should have been', old voices of defeat, lack, self-recrimination, missed opportunity, and ill-fitting self-concepts. It is not a place you want to spend much time.

It's liberating to call it by name. It makes you laugh, breaks the trance, and opens a portal for the Light to pour in.

Once you shine the Light of self-acceptance and self-love, The Valley of Fucking Awful trembles and shudders, withering into nothingness.

If you tumble back into The Valley now and again, dust yourself off and remember: loving yourself just as you are and your life just as it is, is the ticket out." Christiane Schull

excerpt from 'What You Speak Is Seeking You', book on prosperity consciousness, words by Christiane Schull with pictures by Nicole Katano.

To view more excerpts of the book, please visit : To order 'What You Speak Is Seeking you', or for more information, please email:

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