Friday, April 4, 2008

When You Commit To Elevating your Mind and Spirit, don't forget your Body!

This past Monday I made a commitment to get my physical body into shape. For the last year, I have played a cat and mouse game with exercise. A little yoga here, a little hiking there. A walk here and there. I have lacked focus and true commitment to elevating the physical consciousness of my body. I have been elevating and sharpening my spirit, my mind -- how is it that I thought I could leave out my body? What an oversight! What denial! My body is the vehicle of my creations. It is what meets the world in every moment. If my body is not in sync at the highest level, the energy I am calling in cannot be circulated through me in the highest way possible.

And so, after a little grousing and complaining and weighing the ins and outs of spending the money right now on myself, I decided I had to join a program - something that would get me up and out in the morning without fail. Doing it on my own would not work -- I had done that for a year and I was a poor motivator of myself. I wanted my commitment to myself to be backed up by a commitment in the world. I wanted to know that I would have to face someone if I did not show up.

I prayed on it and meditated and knew as I emerged from prayer that it was absolutely the right choice. When I logged into my email, there staring me in the face was a newsletter from Sonki Hong Fitness - bootcamp! I had been receiving his emails for some time and toying with the idea of doing his program. I dialed the number thinking I would get a voice mail and maybe bide some time but that was not to be. Sonki answered, told me I could come to the Monday night bootcamp at 6:30pm and resume on Wednesday morning at 6:30am.

It's Friday and I have just completed day three of my bootcamp - a 5-week commitment that takes me right up to my birthday! Happy Birthday Body! By day two this week, I was already feeling a new kind of joy and the memory of how good it felt to exercise 3 times a week. I used to do that - I used to have a practice that included weights, spinning, boxing and hiking. I used to love my body!!

I am so grateful to my body that it finally woke up this past Monday and said, 'No more! You can't treat me this way and expect that I can perform at the level you want me to! You can't treat me this way and expect that I will be available to you in all the beautiful ways you want me to be! If you want me, love me! Love me! Show me you mean it! Don't just talk about it, do it.' My body got very loud with me - this past Monday. It was obvious when I dragged myself out of bed with the lustre of someone who had been flattened by life.... that something had to change!! Now just 5 days later, I have a new level of energy, a renewed sense of pride in my commitment to myself and my physical self. And I am loving that. My body is happy too - a little stiff -- but happy, happy, happy to be back in motion!

Today, as I left my house at 6 AM to drive to the Ocean avenue location in Santa Monica, I asked the universe to 'Bring me a joyful sign that I am in the flow with all things in my life, show me my abundance today! Surprise me with something beautiful!'

As I worked out on the beach, feeling more and more free, energized, in tune and in sync with life and the energy coursing in me and around me, a woman next to me exclaimed: "Wow! That's a sign!" I turned to look at the ocean and there was one - then two - jumping, frollicking dolphins!! Dolphins -- such a sign of Universal Life, Love, Light and Infinite Intelligence. It was such a sign for me -- that when we commit to a higher path of full health at all levels, the entire universe praises us and dances with joy.Yes! Yes! Yes!

@copyright 2008 Christiane Schull

1 comment:

Camille Curry said...

Congratulations on using your gift of choice to take and active role in your overall health and wellness. You've shared the question, "Oh Creator, what are you creating" and I believe you're sculpting it out. How exciting!
So often we get caught up in the how and forget WHY we are doing something.
This January when I made the conscious CHOICE to have more balance in my life, things started falling into place. I got the job I wanted, I got myself on a consistent work out and eating schedule, I started growing my business and I have started to notice more balance. The gifts that the prosperity circle has given me continue to unfold. Lessons I learned and comments I heard a year ago at the Circle, are now active in my everyday life. Your honesty is an inspiration. We are blessed with this gift of life, and you as a friend.