Tuesday, April 22, 2008

".....the master calls a butterfly."

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a

- Chuang Tse

Thursday, April 17, 2008

On Forgiveness...

"He who cannot forgive others destroys the bridge over which he himself must pass."

- George Herbert

(Thanks to Heartmath for this quote)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Embracing our Light and our Darkness Delivers us to Freedom.

There is no getting around it. Life is Light and Darkness. It is our acceptance of both that makes for a rich life. Without sorrow, we would never really know joy. Without struggle, we would not really appreciate success. We require adversity to be our best.

As the world shifts into higher levels of consciousness, the old places of darkness in us are being called up to the Light. If we don't know this - even if we do know this - it is easy to succumb. To get caught up in anger and fear -- to fall into the pit of blame and defeat.

The way out is to see it for what it is -- fear. And to begin to change our perspective about it. Rather than seeing it as terrible, seeing it as the treasure house of our 'gold'. Rather than feeling like failures, we could be asking ourselves 'what's good about this?' It is in this and through this that we cultivate the best in ourselves. If we are willing and can find the strength to face our 'darkness', we will become greater people, more compassionate people, deeper people, people with more to offer the world. If we run from our darkness, or medicate it , or pretend 'everything is fine', we will feed the lie - the lie that tells us we are no good, unworthy, failures. When our sh@*&&^%%#! shows up, it is a request for growth and healing. Always. It is a request for us to allow more LIGHT to shine through.

It is the ego that wants us to remain stuck. As the Course in Miracles says, the ego 'seeks but never finds'. The ego wants you to give up. Your Higher Self, your God Self, your Divine Self knows the truth of who you are and urges you to keep going. Sometimes it means 'letting go', dropping your pictures of how you see things, and letting what is, be. Sometimes it means taking action, when you haven't taken action.

If you find yourself in "The Valley of Fucking Awful", call upon support from the outside world. Get yourself into some breathwork or energy healing --- and not just yoga. Call a rebirther or breathpractitioner who can support you to feel your feelings of sadness, anger, fear then transform the thought that generated those feelings. You always want to feel your feelings but change your thoughts...breathe out the fear and sadness and breathe in love and joy and self-love. You always want to hold the highest thoughts -- the highest thoughts generate the highest vibratory feelings in the body, mind and heart. The highest thoughts attract the highest experiences.

As The Course in Miracles says, "The truth about you is so lofty that nothing unworthy of God is worthy of you." Our feelings of darkness, of unworthiness ....are our souls tool for calling us to more Light, to the truth of our beings, to our purpose on this earth. Listen closely: You are here to manifest the Glory of God that is within you. Trust that wherever you are right now is the perfect Divine place. You are being called to so much more! Reach out for support from a therapist, mentor, rebirther/breathwork practitioner, energy healer of any kind. You deserve to live in the truth, to radiate Divine Life Force Energy, to be who you are, and have what you love.

"I've Been To The Valley...."

Several years ago, after one long 24 hour period in my own personal amusement park of fear and self-judgment, I prayed to God and the Universe for release and a way of overcoming it. I was preparing to lead my regular Prosperity Circle that evening and I wondered seriously 'how I was going to get it together' to do it. I knew I would....and as I left my apartment, I heard a sprightly, playful, impish, leprechaun-like voice whisper " You've been in The Valley of Fucking Awful!" I cracked up. It was so precisely true....and so hysterically funny that it shattered the darkness, dissolved the gummy veils of old energy in which I had been consumed.

It has become one of my favorite phrases because it so perfectly describes how it FEELS to be in this awful depressed place inside our souls. I believe we all have our own version of it. And to call it by name IS liberating.

I wrote about it in my book, 'What You Speak Is Seeking You':

"I've been to The Valley of Fucking Awful. In fact, just last week, I went there for about 24 hours. I don't know what thought bought me a ticket back there. I can tell you it was fucking awful. You know the place. I'm sure you've been there. It's filled with old ways, old fears, pictures of the way things 'could have been' or 'should have been', old voices of defeat, lack, self-recrimination, missed opportunity, and ill-fitting self-concepts. It is not a place you want to spend much time.

It's liberating to call it by name. It makes you laugh, breaks the trance, and opens a portal for the Light to pour in.

Once you shine the Light of self-acceptance and self-love, The Valley of Fucking Awful trembles and shudders, withering into nothingness.

If you tumble back into The Valley now and again, dust yourself off and remember: loving yourself just as you are and your life just as it is, is the ticket out." Christiane Schull

excerpt from 'What You Speak Is Seeking You', book on prosperity consciousness, words by Christiane Schull with pictures by Nicole Katano.

To view more excerpts of the book, please visit : www.christianeschull.com. To order 'What You Speak Is Seeking you', or for more information, please email: christiane@christianeschull.com.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

"Stay Focused On The Light!"

The following article is by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles. It is titled 'Stay Focused on The Light'.

Her website is http://eraofpeace.org

During this auspicious time, the Beings of Light are consistently imploring us to stay focused on the Light. Even in the face of seeming adversity, it is vital that we use our thoughts, words, feelings and actions to empower what we want to manifest in our lives and in the world. If we focus the power of our attention on our fears and the negativity that is being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted into Light, we will empower and sustain the very things we are trying to eliminate on this planet.

Know that with every thought, word, feeling and action you are either adding to the Light of the world or the shadows. Be cognizant of this Truth, and monitor the focus of your attention moment by moment.

In order to inspire you to keep on keeping on, I would like to share with you once again how critical mass affects our ability to change our lives.


There is a phenomenon that often causes Humanity to feel frustrated and powerless when it comes to changing our lives. That phenomenon is known as reaching critical mass or, in pop-culture lingo, the tipping point.

When we awaken, we begin to understand the power of our thoughts and feelings. We realize the importance of monitoring the focus of our attention and of controlling our behavior patterns. As a result of our new insight, we put forth the effort to think positively. We strive to hold our thoughts and feelings on what we want to manifest in our lives, instead of on our fears and the things we do not want in our lives. We envision Heaven on Earth, and we breathe life into our thoughtforms with positive affirmations, meditations, decrees, buoyant joy and heartfelt enthusiasm.

But often, after what seems like a valiant effort, we continue to experience many of the same old problems. This unfortunate situation causes us to become discouraged and to lose faith in our ability to change our lives. At that point, we feel like our efforts are futile. That is when we decide to give up, and we stop trying to make our lives better.

When we let go of our visions and our hope, we regress into our old negative thinking patterns. We start dwelling on our fears, problems and challenges instead of our goals, hopes and dreams. As a result of this tragic relapse, things get worse in our lives and our situations appear even more hopeless.

Once we understand the phenomenon of reaching critical mass, it will give us the courage to persevere until our goals are accomplished. We will have the courage to stay focused on the Light, even in the face of apparent failure, which is ALWAYS an illusion.

Everything is comprised of energy, vibration and consciousness. When we explore a minuscule fraction of the vast science of quantum physics, we learn that when something reaches critical mass, there is an UNSTOPPABLE SHIFT that takes place. For instance, when an electron is increasing in vibration, the moment it reaches a critical mass of the higher vibration, the entire electron ascends into the new frequency. The instant the electron reaches critical mass, nothing can prevent this unstoppable shift.

Critical mass is very complex and unique to every situation, but the Company of Heaven has said that for simplicity, we can think of reaching critical mass as 51 percent of the energy, vibration and consciousness of whatever it is we are talking about. For instance, when 51 percent of an electron is vibrating at the higher frequency, the remaining 49 percent is instantly absorbed into the new vibration.

Okay, so how does this facet of quantum physics affect our ability to take charge of our own lives?

As we strive to improve our lives, the same laws of quantum physics apply. These are Universal Laws to which we are ALL subject. When empowering a vision or thoughtform, the moment a critical mass of energy, vibration and consciousness is reached, in alignment with our vision, nothing can stop it from manifesting. The problem is that we never know just when we are going to reach that magical moment of critical mass.

There are often no outer-world signs to indicate that we are on the brink of reaching critical mass. In fact, many times it looks like we are very far away from that instant of transformation. The reason for this is that our I AM Presence is giving us the opportunity to transmute the blocks and resistance to our vision that have surfaced to be cleared out of the way. When this happens, we usually feel a little overwhelmed. We erroneously conclude that our efforts must be failing, and we just give up.

The Beings of Light have said that many times we have been a breath away from reaching a critical mass of our goal. Since we did not realize that, we got discouraged and stopped working toward our life-transforming changes. Consequently, our hopes and dreams were never fulfilled.

Let’s not allow that to happen this time. This is a year of new beginnings, and we have never had the magnitude of assistance from On High that we are receiving in 2008.

So, in very practical terms, critical mass means that when we are striving to create prosperity in our lives, the moment our thoughts, words, actions and feelings are vibrating with a critical mass of prosperity consciousness instead of poverty consciousness, our life circumstances will shift, and we will experience prosperity. The moment a critical mass of our energy is aligned with self-esteem and love, we will magnetize positive relationships into our lives. The moment a critical mass of our energy is aligned with peace, harmony and balance, we will manifest those Divine Qualities tangibly in our life experiences.

The key to our success is that we must keep on keeping on even in the face of adversity. It is vital for us to understand that the Light of God is infinitely more powerful than any fragmented human miscreation we may have inadvertently created. Poverty has no power over the Abundance of God. Our Divine Potential is infinitely more powerful than disease, failure, dysfunctional relationships, hatred, greed, corruption, war or any of the other humanly-created maladies appearing on the screen of Life.

As long as we stay focused on the Light and consecrate our energy to empower only the positive experiences we want to create in our lives and in the world, we will manifest our visions and dreams faster than we can possibly imagine.

Whatever you do, do not give up!

This information is being given to us by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth during this critical moment on Earth to help us remember that if we do not like what is happening in our lives, we have the option to do something about it. This is true for each of us individually, and it is true for all of us collectively as a global family.

We do not have to believe in the various Universal Laws in order to exist on Earth, but since we are ALL subject to them, it is just common sense for us to try to accept them. We do not have to believe that every single thought, word, action and feeling we have will go out and affect the world and then return to us to affect our personal lives, but this is happening scientifically, to the letter, in spite of any disbelief we may have.

It is important that we put things back into perspective and accept responsibility for turning our lives around. When we deliberately focus on transforming our lives and cocreating Heaven on Earth, our efforts are empowered by the unfathomable Light of our I AM Presence. Then, if we invoke the assistance of the entire Company of Heaven to intercede on our behalf, our success is assured.

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

Website: http://eraofpeace.org

FAX: 520-751-2981;
Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

What Are You For?

"To work in the world lovingly means that we are defining what we will be for, rather than reacting to what we are against."

--Christina Baldwin

Monday, April 7, 2008

"Tithe and Thrive," says Catherine Ponder

At my first Sunday 'Sacred Sharing' gathering in Santa Monica yesterday morning, someone spoke these beautiful words, attributed to Catherine Ponder: 'Tithe and Thrive'.

It occurred to me this morning as I ran along the Ocean avenue path with the rest of my bootcamp group, that any delay in tithing creates a feeling of lack. And a feeling of lack is a magnet for the energy of fear and contraction. And I realized that I had picked up from somewhere in the universe last night a blanket of fear. It had attached itself to me and I was shaking myself loose from it through the application of prayer. I was utilizing one of my favorite prayers by Howard Wills: "Lord, please lift out any negative energies I have absorbed from sources known and unknown and return them lovingly to their source." I had picked up this energy of fear from somewhere because I had not yet tithed. I had received income and gifts of money last week but I had not yet tithed. I had not tithed because I was succumbing to an old habit of delay, fear, resistance to trusting the flow of abundance in my life. And my fear and resistance had attracted fear from the universe -- and it didn't matter from where.

As I sprinted through the exercises in my bootcamp, I saw the connection between my actions and my results on the etheric and physical plane. Tithing (giving 10% or more of income to a source that has inspired or supported you) is a physical human action we take that speaks to our faith and gratitude in our abundance, that keeps us everlastingly connected to the flow of abundance in the universe.

When you tithe here(wherever 'here' is to you) , the universe opens a portal over there and abundance of all kinds rush to you. When you tithe, you notice your life simply flows better. Tithing brings The Certainty of Grace and Ease. In turn, when we create delay in our giving, we attract energies that create loss, contraction, constraint, breakdown of some kind in our lives. When we give in to old resistance, old habits of fear that keep us from tithing with joy and speed and generosity, we keep ourselves in a cycle of hold backs and fear and lack, difficulty, frustration and loss.

Like this morning before my bootcamp, I went to make my morning juice. And my reliable Champion Juicer would not turn over. This was the second piece of equipment that had died. The first was my coffee grinder -- last week on the day I thought about tithing but had not done so. I was beginning to see the connection. It had died because I had not tithed -- I had not shared the Light with the Light. Money is Light, remember that. When you contract out of fear and do not circulate your money-Light with joy, the universe corrects you by matching your energy with a loss.' Ahhhhh.....I see now.

Just like you, I am learning. There is always more to learn. I am sitting down now to make out my tithes. It is an act of such liberation and joy. The moment you decide and then follow through and do it, there is immediate joy, immediate LIGHT.

I invite you to begin this week by tithing 10% or more to someone or organization or church or ministry that has brought you joy, inspiration, support or love. Tithe regularly when you receive your paycheck, income of any kind, gifts of money, happy windfalls of unexpected cash. Make tithing a regular habit - like brushing your teeth in the morning. Tithe 10% even if it is only $1 dollar. When you have more, give more. Your gesture is huge even if the sum is small.

My new mantra, my new anthem is: "Tithe, baby, share, baby, give, baby, now!"

Practice tithing and if you would, share with me how your life transforms.


@copyright, Christiane Schull

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Do All The Good You Can....

"Do all the good you can, by all means you can, in all ways you can, in all places you can, at all times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can. "

- John Wesley, 1703-1791


BE THE LIGHT, says Reverend Michael Beckwith.

MONEY IS LIGHT, writes Yehuda Berg, in 'True Prosperity".

Money, in common usage today, has lost its connection to its sacred origins, says Barbara Wilder in her book, 'Money is Love'. We have forgotten that money - the currency that every culture and every time has utilized as its means of exchange for goods and services - was once revered as a 'tool of God'. Money is love. Money is a tool of the Divine.

The oft mis-quoted statement 'Money is the root of all evil' - contains again the intent of delivering us to unconsciousness and creating conflict and separation from the truth. The true statement is 'The worship of money is the root of all evil." And that is true. Money is meant to be circulated -- in circulation it is God in action. The worship or hoarding of it is what accumulates darkness. It is in the sharing of it that money is Light.

So, praise your money. Love your money. Love the ability you have to do good in the world with your money. Happily pay people for their services. Tithe 10% or more because the Light you tithe to the great Light of the universe showers your life with unending Light. The miracles of substance, sustenance, joy, love, Grace pour into the life of one who tithes.

I am just learning this - the purpose and power of tithing money. I have done this only a few times in my life -- in the consistent manner in which it is taught - but I am now doing this more and more consistently. I have tithed time, support, energy, many other things on behalf of others - but money, money has been the great wasteland of misunderstanding for me. I have not until now understood as deeply its purpose or its power. Once you know that Money is designed to do good, that it is LIGHT, you rush to give, to tithe. It creates an irresistible joy for the giver....far more than even the receiver. Do it and you will see.

Love what you give. Love what you receive. Enjoy it, savor it, be thankful for it, see it, speak of it, relate to it as LIGHT in the world. Treat it respectfully, lovingly. Be fearless in your giving and sharing of it. When you do, what you share and give and speak and love comes back to you multiplied. Realize that the more you give, the more openings you create for the LIGHT to pour into your life. The more opportunities you create for bountiful blessings in your life.
Light is as Light does -- it cannot be held back or hoarded. What is held back and hoarded, withers and dies. What is shared, lives, grows, expands, brings joy, joy, joy, countless joy to all. Give, share, love. Be The Light.

Love the world

'Child', whispered the voice, ' Child, just love the world, love the world with who you are and what you do and you will have abundance in full and overflowing.'

Friday, April 4, 2008

When You Commit To Elevating your Mind and Spirit, don't forget your Body!

This past Monday I made a commitment to get my physical body into shape. For the last year, I have played a cat and mouse game with exercise. A little yoga here, a little hiking there. A walk here and there. I have lacked focus and true commitment to elevating the physical consciousness of my body. I have been elevating and sharpening my spirit, my mind -- how is it that I thought I could leave out my body? What an oversight! What denial! My body is the vehicle of my creations. It is what meets the world in every moment. If my body is not in sync at the highest level, the energy I am calling in cannot be circulated through me in the highest way possible.

And so, after a little grousing and complaining and weighing the ins and outs of spending the money right now on myself, I decided I had to join a program - something that would get me up and out in the morning without fail. Doing it on my own would not work -- I had done that for a year and I was a poor motivator of myself. I wanted my commitment to myself to be backed up by a commitment in the world. I wanted to know that I would have to face someone if I did not show up.

I prayed on it and meditated and knew as I emerged from prayer that it was absolutely the right choice. When I logged into my email, there staring me in the face was a newsletter from Sonki Hong Fitness - bootcamp! I had been receiving his emails for some time and toying with the idea of doing his program. I dialed the number thinking I would get a voice mail and maybe bide some time but that was not to be. Sonki answered, told me I could come to the Monday night bootcamp at 6:30pm and resume on Wednesday morning at 6:30am.

It's Friday and I have just completed day three of my bootcamp - a 5-week commitment that takes me right up to my birthday! Happy Birthday Body! By day two this week, I was already feeling a new kind of joy and the memory of how good it felt to exercise 3 times a week. I used to do that - I used to have a practice that included weights, spinning, boxing and hiking. I used to love my body!!

I am so grateful to my body that it finally woke up this past Monday and said, 'No more! You can't treat me this way and expect that I can perform at the level you want me to! You can't treat me this way and expect that I will be available to you in all the beautiful ways you want me to be! If you want me, love me! Love me! Show me you mean it! Don't just talk about it, do it.' My body got very loud with me - this past Monday. It was obvious when I dragged myself out of bed with the lustre of someone who had been flattened by life.... that something had to change!! Now just 5 days later, I have a new level of energy, a renewed sense of pride in my commitment to myself and my physical self. And I am loving that. My body is happy too - a little stiff -- but happy, happy, happy to be back in motion!

Today, as I left my house at 6 AM to drive to the Ocean avenue location in Santa Monica, I asked the universe to 'Bring me a joyful sign that I am in the flow with all things in my life, show me my abundance today! Surprise me with something beautiful!'

As I worked out on the beach, feeling more and more free, energized, in tune and in sync with life and the energy coursing in me and around me, a woman next to me exclaimed: "Wow! That's a sign!" I turned to look at the ocean and there was one - then two - jumping, frollicking dolphins!! Dolphins -- such a sign of Universal Life, Love, Light and Infinite Intelligence. It was such a sign for me -- that when we commit to a higher path of full health at all levels, the entire universe praises us and dances with joy.Yes! Yes! Yes!

@copyright 2008 Christiane Schull

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


The ancients knew it and spoke it often: Money in circulation is God in Action. We experience what we share and give. We cannot experience our true wealth except in the circulation of it in our lives. Money must be experienced to be known. Like love, it cannot be hoarded. What good is love that is hoarded, or held back? What does it give us but an experience of our own lack? Money like love must be shared to be felt, to be known. To feel your wealth, to feel rich, you must share it, give it, circulate it. As The Course in Miracles says, 'To have all, give all to all.'

We have become detached from the true purpose, character, and nature of money -- from where it comes from and what it's for. We have been seduced by the frantic rant of fear around 'getting money' and ' not having enough'. Money is not the green ink and paper in your wallet. Money is energy, a medium of exchange, a symbol of gratitude for who you are and what you give to the world. The more you share YOU, and learn to translate your talents and gifts into services and products and opportunities, the more you prosper. The more excited you get about YOU, about what you have to offer and what you have to give, the more you prosper.

The regularity, frequency, and quantity of the money and resources that flow into your life depends upon the quality of relationship you have with yourself and other people, and the Divine. It depends on your ability to participate fully with who you are and with who others are. If you trust yourself, you can trust others. And if you trust yourself and others, life can be a heaven on earth - and a prosperous one where people want what you have to give and you want what they have to give and everyone experiences joy, abundance and pleasure. If you don't trust yourself or others, it will be a mean, quarrelsome, miserable existence whether you happen to have money or not. As Albert Einstein said,"The most important decision you will ever make is whether the universe is friendly or not." He might as well have been saying, 'Your enjoyment of life, your relationships, and your ability to feel richly in the flow of life depends upon it."

Notice how you feel when you think of money as a circulation of Light and Love. Notice how your ideas about money soften and expand. Notice how you welcome opportunities to give, to participate, to share -- to experience the deep eternal truth that to have what you seek, you must first give it. And how in the giving, is truly the receiving. Don't be surprised as you practice these new thoughts and actions, how more love, ease, grace, and money pour into your life as a result, blessing your life in miraculous ways. Yes! Yes! Yes!

I welcome your thoughts about this blog posting.....the conversation on money continues...

Infinite love appreciation and gratitude to all of you!

@ 2008 christianeschull