Thursday, July 17, 2008


Have absolute certainty of your worth. Have absolute certainty of your wholeness, your safety, your destiny, your ability to prevail. Have absolute certainty of your gifts and talents, your majesty, your magnificence. Have absolute certainty that you are here for a Divine purpose only you can fulfill. Have absolute certainty that you are loved and wanted and supported by this vast universe. Have absolute certainty that what is happening now in your life (and in the world) has its own wisdom, its own high Soul intention, its own timing, and is leading you to the expression and experience of more true peace, true love, true abundance and true success than you have ever dared imagine. Yes!

Certainty is radiance. It is grounded, anchored, peaceful. It has everything. It sparkles with Love and Light, Infinite Openness, Creativity, Flexibility, Playfulness, Availability, Receptivity, Trust, Grace, Gratitude, Abundance.

Certainty is a vessel for the highest consciousness.

Certainty is Creative. It calls forth the highest and the best in us and attracts the highest and the best to us.

Certainty makes Light of fear!

Certainty ignites passion and liberates inspiration. Certainty is the dance of gratitude.

Certainty unites you with Source, with the expansive Light and Love of God.

I invite you to ask yourself these questions:

How do I choose to express my certainty in this moment?

What thoughts do I choose to think that reflect my certainty?

What actions do I choose to take that are anchored in certainty?

What feelings do I choose to express that radiate my certainty?

What magic do I choose to manifest by being certainty in the world?

What do I choose to become by thinking, speaking, feeling and acting from certainty?”


@copyright 2008 Christiane Schull.
All rights reserved. Feel free to distribute any of these blog entries as long as credit is attributed. Thank you.
Christiane Schull ;

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